History A Level


Exam board: Edexcel Pearson

What is the course about?

Studying A-Level History at LSC will give you the opportunity to develop your interest in and enthusiasm for history and an understanding of its inherent value and significance. You will receive excellent preparation for university, gaining the ability to ask your own significant questions about the past and research them. There is an emphasis on effective independent learning which we hope will allow you to leave us as critical and reflective thinkers with curious and enquiring minds, appreciating differing and conflicting interpretations and challenging commonly accepted ideas. Key academic qualities such as source analysis, extended writing – organising and communicating your historical knowledge and understanding clearly, and exciting debate will be cultivated.


Duration of course: 

Two years.


What units/topics will be studied?

Route H:
Democracies in change: Britain and the USA in the twentieth century – in the twentieth century, liberal democracies came under increasing challenge from both within and without. The options in Route H allow you to understand the nature, and effectiveness, of the response to these challenges. Studying two different countries allows you to develop a greater understanding of the challenges experienced by Britain and the USA, and of the contrasts and similarities in the responses.

Paper 3:
Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors, 1485–1603 – this topic explores the nature of rebellion and disorder under the Tudors and the way the various challenges were met, the nature of change in government over the period and the changing relationship between the Crown and key sections of society. The option enables you to explore the way in which, despite a shaky start, the Tudors were able to establish their dynasty as one of the most powerful England has seen.

– the assignment will assess the ability to carry out a historical enquiry, analysing and evaluating historical interpretations, and organising and communicating the findings.


What do i need to study this subject?

GCSE Point score of 34, which must include a grade 5 in English Language.


Where can this lead me?

The subject is well-regarded by universities and employers alike and is applicable to a wide range of courses and careers including Law, the civil service, national and local government, journalism and media, research, education, libraries, and heritage work. The skills learned on the A Level course underpin many of the top degrees and as a result, it is one of the most highly sought after subjects at universities.