Law: A Level


Exam board: OCR

What is the course about?

Law is an exciting and dynamic subject that governs every aspect of our lives from conception to exhumation. It is a vital discipline and one which is respected by many universities because of the essential skills it develops. You will learn how the legal justice system operates in both civil and criminal law and study key criminal offences/defences.


Duration of course: 

Two years.


What units/topics will be studied?

During this course you will study key aspects of the English Legal System such as the Court structures, Juries and Legal funding. We’ll also look at more discursive elements such as law and morality – is it the function of the law to impose morality? And whether the Rule of Law is respected. We will also focus on areas of ‘substantive law’ such as the law of Tort covering negligence and occupiers’ liability, as well as Criminal Law, examining topics such as murder, non-fatal offences and property offences.

Law will develop essential academic skills such as effective reading, analysing factual scenarios, problem solving and formulating and presenting effective argument.


What do I need to study this subject?

At least 34 GCSE points. 5 in English and Maths.


What can I do to prepare myself to study this subject?

As Law is a living, breathing subject, we recommend that you keep up to date with current affairs by reading a good quality newspaper. If you’d like a more substantial head start, any text book on the English Legal System will provide a sound basis.


Where can this lead me?

Law is a respected A Level by many universities and contrary to popular belief, this includes those offering law programmes. Many of our students go on to become barristers or solicitors, but law could also lead to work in the legal departments of local government or large companies, teaching, or the criminal justice services and much more.


What are the enrichment opportunities as part of this subject?

The Law Department prides itself on its varied enrichment programme. Your studies will include visits to The Supreme Court, The Old Bailey and The Royal Courts of Justice. We also visit the 4 Inns of Court as part of a Legal London Tour as well as Law Schools and Conferences. We are the only college to offer Advocacy Club providing aspiring barristers with the basics of legal argument and persuasive speech.